
BRAIN FRAGMENTS. Daily Notes and Reminiscences
Lars Leksell (translated by Dan Leksell)
These memoirs, first published in Swedish in 1982, tell the story of a man who was deeply engaged in his profession and in a variety of societal matters. He had a humanistic view on science, the end goal of which he felt was to minimize suffering and to enhance happiness in life, or to at least make life bearable. This is also reflected in his attitude towards patients, which he writes about with strong empathy and compassion.
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Select Reviews
- Neil Kitchen (2022): Brain fragments: daily notes and reminiscences, British Journal of Neurosurgery
- Sheehan, J. Brain fragments: Leksell’s autobiography newly translated to English. J Neurooncol 157, 383 (2022).
- Mathiesen, T. Brain fragments—daily notes and reminiscences by Lars Leksell. Translated by Dan Leksell. Acta Neurochir 164, 2535–2536 (2022).
- Sheehan, Jason MD, PhD. Book Review: Brain Fragments: Daily Notes and Reminiscences. Neurosurgery: May 2022 - Volume 90 - Issue 5 - p e117

Recent Advances and Controversies in Gamma Knife Neurosurgery
Jeremy Ganz
Recent Advances and Controversies in Gamma Knife Neurosurgery, Volume 268, the latest release in the Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on recent advances in Dosimetry, Radiobiology, Evolving Gamma Knife Technology, Imaging, Arteriovenous Malformations, Dural A-V Fistulae, Cavernous Malformations, Vestibular Schwannoma, Other Schwannoma, Meningiomas, Pituitary Adenomas, Craniopharyngiomas, Metastases, Glioma Low Grade, Glioma High Grade, Glomus Tumors, Less Common Tumors, Orbital Indications, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Movement, Psychosurgery, and Future Trends.
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Select Reviews
- Assaf Berger, MD, Book Review: Recent Advances and Controversies in Gamma Knife Neurosurgery. Published in Neurosurgery. 2022 Nov 21

Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Third edition
Jason P. Sheehan and L. Dade Lunsford
In this third edition of Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Drs. Sheehan and Lunsford provide an updated assessment of the practice of stereotactic radiosurgery. Topics include benign and malignant tumors, cerebrovascular abnormalities, and functional disorders. Several new topics are now included and focus on immunotherapy, hypofractionation, and repeat radiosurgery. Each chapter contains key figures and tables to illustrate the critical concepts of the work. Contributors to the book represent many of the most prestigious stereotactic radiosurgery centers across the world.

Hjärnor och hjärtan. Lars Leksell Neurokirurgen Innovatören Humanisten
Tommy and Åsa Bergenheim
This book interweaves Lars Leksell's professional development with his private life against the background of the economic, social and political background of the time. It is a portrait, a biography of a man of flesh and blood, with strengths and weaknesses, of contradictions and commitment. Leksell was not only a famous neurosurgeon but also a culture-loving humanist. N.B. In Swedish only.
Carlsson Bokförlag

Neurosurgery before Science: Taking a Chance
Jeremy Ganz
This book traces the development of the profession of surgery and the preoccupations and concerns of its practitioners, from Hippocrates to the early nineteenth century. Topics discussed here include the personal characteristics of surgeons and the regulation of the practice of surgery. The book’s main concern is to demonstrate the profession’s resistance to new ideas, preferring the comfort of accepted notions even if the evidence confounds them.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
Leksell Radiosurgery
Ajay Niranjan, Dade L. Lunsford, Hideyuki Kano
Since its introduction 52 years ago, Leksell radiosurgery has become a widely applied technique for the management of a diverse group of vascular, neoplastic, and functional disorders. This publication presents an update on state-of-the-art radiosurgery technology, including outcomes, by the pioneers in the field. Experts have contributed chapters on various topics. Read more details about the book here.
Karger Publications, 2019
The History of the Gamma Knife
Jeremy Ganz
The History of the Gamma Knife presents the evolution of concepts and technology which ended in the production of the modern Gamma Knife. The story starts before the Second World War and links pioneers in Berkeley and Sweden. Read more details about the book here.
Elsevier Publishers, 2014
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Roman Liščák
This publication aims to give comprehensive information on the methods of gamma knife radiosurgery and the results of treatment of the most frequent diagnoses using radiosurgery. A summarization of existing knowledge and results obtained in gamma knife radiosurgery worldwide is based on experience with treatment of more than 13,500 patients over 20 years at Na Homolce Hospital, Prague. Read more details about the book here.
Nova Science Publishers, 2013
Gamma Knife Neurosurgery
Jeremy Ganz
Today, over 500,000 patients have been treated world wide in 250 Gamma Knife Centres in 37 countries each one treating between 150 and 700 patients a year. The current book serves as a textbook, training manual and reference book for those involved in Gamma Knife practice covering the theoretical background, the practical aspects of treatment, the social side of the method and necessary information not only for users but for those who refer to the Gamma Knife. Read more details about the book here.
Springer Publishers, 2011